
I’ve always been interested in trying different products, but I’ve never considered myself particularly good at make up or hair, and I struggled with following even the most basis skincare routines. Once I turned thirty, however, I found that my lack on care for my skin or hair had really caught up with me. Years of stress, sun damage, and neglect had left my skin tired, dull, and showing new lines and wrinkles. I was seeing signs of aging on myself and, being someone who has always hated the idea of getting injections or surgery, I knew it was time to start taking care of skin to prevent further damage as I age.

I had a newly ignited passion for finding the right products for me, but I didn’t know where to start. I took to the internet to find research on all the most highly-touted products, but I found that a lot of them seemed like paid advertising or like the people hadn’t really given the products a fair shot. I wanted to create something different.

I created Oblivious to provide people with real, honest reviews of products that I have actually implemented into my routine and documented how they worked for me. I wanted my reviews to provided readers with the ability to read all the details, or to get a short straight-to-the-point breakdown of the product without having to search around for a long time.

Oblivious came about because I felt like before recently, I was pretty oblivious to beauty products and trends. I’m not one of those people who can create an amazing artistic makeup look or has a lot of skill at hair styling. I wanted my reviews to be something that even people who are a little clueless like me can find useful. You shouldn’t have to have a degree in cosmetology or years of experience in the beauty industry achieve your healthy skin and hair goals.

The products I review are things I have personally purchased for myself and have an interest in implementing in my routine regularly. My interest range from clean beauty and anti-aging products to vintage hair styling tools and everything in between. I hope my blog is helpful to you and I am always happy to hear feedback. Thank you!